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Kid Killed In US Road Rage Shooting

A four-year-old girl was fatally shot in the head while riding in a truck with her father in New Mexico in what authorities called a road rage attack.

A suspect identified as Tony Torres, 32, has confessed to the shooting of Lilly Garcia on Tuesday afternoon in Albuquerque. An anonymous tip however led to his arrest. "She was so proud to tell people she just turned four. She just started school two days ago. She was very bright and very smart. She is my world," the girl's father, Alan Garcia told ABC News.

The father had picked up the girl and her 7-year-old brother from school Tuesday in a truck and started driving on an interstate highway when some kind of road rage ensued that afternoon. Shots were fired. Shortly after that, the man noticed his daughter was bleeding, and quickly pulled to the edge of the road and tried to administer first aid, but she didn’t make it to the hospital alive.

The father had picked up the girl and her 7-year-old brother from school Tuesday when the unfortunate incident happened.

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@2015-10-22 14:08 ( 0 comments )

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